• ConnEcTEd
  • [IO 6] Freiburg: Linguistics in Foreign Language Teacher Education

Detailed description and materials for a course on how to use and apply linguistic knowledge, methods, and tools to enhance analytical skills needed for foreign language teaching.


Linguistics in Foreign Language Teacher Education

Detailed description and materials for a course on how to use and apply linguistic knowledge, methods, and tools to enhance analytical skills needed for foreign language teaching.
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Linguistics in Foreign Language Teacher Education


Dr. Anna Rosen

Name of the institution

University of Freiburg




CK and PCK, Learner language, Research-based learning, Linguistic tools for the language classroom, Linguistics, Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)


Description and materials for a course on how to use and apply linguistic knowledge, methods and tools to enhance analytical skills needed for foreign language teaching


Upon successful completion of this course, students will

  • be aware of links between linguistics and EFL teaching;
  • be able to use linguistic tools in order to judge the appropriateness and acceptability of learner language and to give adequate feedback;
  • be able to assess learner language following linguistic criteria;
  • have gained a better understanding of the processes in foreign language acquisition.

Domains/aspects of coherence

Promotion of horizontal coherence (CK ↔ PCK, theory ↔ practice)

Intended OER user group

Teacher educators in modern languages, linguists teaching modules in teacher education

Target group of the course (educational level and study year)

Advanced students who wish to become English language teachers and have been introduced to basic concepts in linguistics and second language acquisition; some tasks and activities can generally be used in foreign language teacher education

Context information users would need to understand the OER
(e.g. about the TE system, curricular integration)

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Reisebericht: ConnEcTEd Project Meeting in Zagreb

Ein zentrales Anliegen der School of Education FACE ist die Entwicklung kohärenter – also strukturell und inhaltlich sinnhaft zusammenhängender – Curricula oder Module im Rahmen des Lehramtsstudiums. Was liegt da in Zeiten der Globalisierung näher, als sich anzusehen, wie dieses Prinzip in anderen Staaten und Bildungssystemen umgesetzt wird? Im Rahmen des Projekts ConnEcTEd geschieht genau das. Im September dieses Jahres reiste eine Freiburger Delegation nach Zagreb, um sich dort gemeinsam mit Projektpartner*innen aus Oslo, Nizza, Helsinki und Zagreb in Präsenz zu diesem wichtigen Thema auszutauschen.

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Ins Bächle „dappen“, oder nicht? Treffen des ConnEcTEd-Teams in Freiburg

After the first in-person-meeting in March in Oslo, the ConnEcTED-Team met for the second time in Freiburg im Breisgau at the end of May. In the „Green City“ on the western edge of the Black Forest, right on the border to Switzerland and France, the project members reported on their work, discussed new tasks and further steps in the project, as well as forms of collaboration in different IOs.

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Reisebericht: Das ConnEcTEd-Team in Oslo

Ein zentrales Anliegen der School of Education FACE ist die Entwicklung kohärenter – also strukturell und inhaltlich sinnhaft zusammenhängender – Curricula oder Module im Rahmen des Lehramtsstudiums. Was liegt da in Zeiten der Globalisierung näher, als sich anzusehen, wie dieses Prinzip in anderen Staaten und Bildungssystemen umgesetzt wird? Im Rahmen des Projekts ConnEcTEd geschieht genau das. Ende März dieses Jahres reiste eine Freiburger Delegation nach Oslo, um sich dort in Präsenz zu diesem wichtigen Thema auszutauschen.

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This project receives funding from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (Strategic Partnerships, KA 203).

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